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About us

Founded in 1919, The Dallas Geological Society a constituent member of the Southwest Section of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) and, as a non-profit entity, strives to advance the professional interests of all geoscientists in the Dallas area, regardless of the geoscientific discipline they practice or the industry in which they serve.


The DGS currently serves more than 400 Dallas-area geoscientists. DGS cooperates with other geological organizations such as the Geological Society of America (GSA), the Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists, the American Geophysical Union, the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, and the Dallas Geophysical Society to provide information and services to our members. 


The Dallas Geological Society holds monthly luncheon meetings on the second Tuesday of the month (September through June) at Brookhaven College Geotechnology Institute. Luncheon talks vary on a wide range of topics from the world of petroleum geology, geophysics, or engineering.


The DGS International Committee is very active and holds monthly meetings on the third Wednesday evening of the month at Brookhaven Country Club in Farmers Branch. These meetings feature speakers on topical international issues (mainly petroleum exploration).

Rock Face

History of the Dallas Geological Society


The Fort Worth-Dallas Section [ancestor of our Dallas Geological Society] was one of six sections of the Southwestern Geological Society organized in Dallas in 1919 by Robert T. Hill, et al.


The Fort Worth-Dallas Section soon split up into the Fort Worth Section and the Dallas Section. DGS was known as the Dallas Section until 1924, when Southwestern Geological Society was disbanded and we then became Dallas Petroleum Geologists, affiliated with the American Association of Petroleum Geologists.


In 1945 we changed our name to Dallas Geological Society to conform to the nomenclature of societies throughout the world that were affiliated with AAPG.


Published Histories:

Board of Directors

Officers 2023-2024


Sean Kincade

Hunt Oil​


 Past President

Caitlin Leslie

Pioneer Natural Resources


 President Elect

 Alex Blizzard

 S&P Global


 1st Vice President

 Ben Howard

Matador Resources​


 2nd Vice President

 Ta Li

 Emerald Energy, LLC



Mandi Guerrero

 Point Energy Partners


 Treasurer Elect

 Lauren Sakai


 International Chair

Joe Bauman

 Hunt Oil





Rock Rubble

Committee Chairs


 Membership Chair

Fernando Verver 



 Scholarship Chair

 Nick Parrillo

 Pillar Oil & Gas



David Tovar

Impac Exploration Services


Texas Energy council liaison

Mark Varhaug

AAPG Delegates
Current aapg delegates:

Margo J. Liss    (2023)
Calvin Nix    (2023)
Sean Kincade (2023)

Ranyah Lycka (2023)


President: Daniel Spaulding

1st VP: Luel Emishaw

2nd VP: Calvin Nix

Secretary: Nick Parrillo

Treasurer: Caitlin Leslie

Treasurer-Elect: Taylor Sanchez

Past President: Dan Dolan

President-Elect: Justin Anderson


President: Dan Dolan

1st VP: Dave Senor

2nd VP: Brandon (BJ) Lycka

Secretary: Fred Walsh

Treasurer: Justin Anderson

Treasurer-Elect: Caitlin Leslie

Past President: Calvin Nix

President-Elect: Daniel Spaulding


President: Calvin Nix

1st VP: Brandon (BJ) Lycka

2nd VP: Dylan Collins

Secretary: Keri Viñas

Treasurer: Daniel Spaulding

Treasurer-Elect: Justin Anderson

Past President: Tina Manning

President-Elect: Dan Dolan 

2018 - 2019 Officers

President: Tina Manning

1st VP: Dan Dolan

2nd VP: Chris Mace

Secretary: Neyda Maymi

Treasurer: Dylan Collins

Treasurer-Elect: Dan Spaulding

Past President: Mark Bengtson

President-Elect: Calvin Nix

past officers:


President: Justin Anderson

1st VP: Joe Bauman

2nd VP: Calvin Nix

Secretary: Patrick O'Connor

Treasurer: Taylor Sanchez

Treasurer-Elect: Johnny Ray Hinojosa

Past President: Daniel Spaulding

President-Elect: Caitlin Leslie

2017 - 2018 Officers

PresidentMark Bengtson

1st VPCalvin Nix

2nd VPJoe Bauman

SecretaryNeyda Maymi

TreasurerDan Dolan

Treasurer-ElectDylan Collins

Past PresidentJohn Stephens

President-ElectTina Manning

2016 - 2017 Officers

President: John Stephens

1st VP: Danny Davidson

2nd VP: Tina Manning

Secretary: Calvin Nix

Treasurer: Mitchell Williams

Treasurer-Elect: Dan Dolan

Past President: Bradley Winton

President-Elect: Mark Bengtson

2015 - 2016 Officers

President: Bradley Winton

1st VP: Danny Davidson

2nd VP: Tina Manning

Secretary: Mandi Guerrero

Treasurer: Mark Bengtson

Treasurer-Elect: Mitchell Williams

Past President: Mark Mathisen

President-Elect: John Stephens

2014 - 2015 Officers

President: Mark Mathisen

1st VP: Matt Hornbach

2nd VP: Dan Bailey

Secretary: John Stephens

Treasurer: Andy Juett

Treasurer-Elect: Mark Bengtson

Past President: Joe Davis

President-Elect: Bradley Winton

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